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Perry Yacht Club
Rules and Regulations


The Perry Yacht Club facilities are for the use and enjoyment of PYC members and their guests. To ensure that use,
PYC members and guest must abide by these rules. In order to avoid disputes, all complaints shall be made in
writing to the Board of Governors (“Board” or “BOG”) and the Board shall act as mediator.


1. Ice tickets are available from any Board member or the Property Manager for $2 each. Please do not place
    cash in the ice ticket box.
2. Dogs:
    a. Dogs are not allowed on the club grounds unless leashed.
    b. Dogs are not allowed in the Pavilion eating area while food is being served.
    c. Owners must clean up promptly after their dogs.
3. Children and Minors
    a. Younger PYC members and their young guests are welcome to enjoy the playground. Return all
        sandbox toys to the area underneath the play structure. If you have any sandbox toys at home not
        being used, please feel free to donate them to the playground collection.
    b. Parents should instruct their children not to pet dogs without the dog owner’s permission.
    c. Drinking alcoholic beverages by persons under 21 years of age on PYC property is strictly
    d. No children under the age of 16 are allowed contact with the fire pits without direct parental

4. Quiet hours are from 11:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. Quiet hours apply to the clubhouse, camping areas,
    mooring piers, and club grounds.
    a. People night sailing should proceed as quietly as possible when entering or departing the harbor

5. Members are asked to report faulty equipment, damage, or needed repairs to the Director of Buildings and
6. All regulations and conditions established by the Corps of Engineers are part of the rules and regulationsof Perry     Yacht Club.

7. The Club dumpster is provided for disposal of general waste created during activities at the Club. The following “excluded waste”               items as defined by our waste hauler are subject to fines and shall not be placed in the dumpster. Members are expected to remove             these items from Club property and dispose of them properly.  Excluded Waste:  Tires, wheels, appliances, electronics, batteries, fuel           canisters, paint or solvents, or any form of “hazardous waste”, “toxic waste”, or “medical waste” as defined by law.


Buildings and Grounds
1. The PYC clubhouse is equally available to all members. The BOG may restrict access for club events, or
    member events as noted below.
2. Members may use the clubhouse for a personal event with the permission of the Board of Governors.
    a. During those approved events, the kitchen and pavilion areas may be closed to other club
        members and their guests.
    b. To close the clubhouse to other members, notice of these events must be posted in advance at the
        clubhouse and on the club calendar for at least 2 weeks prior to the event.

3. Kitchen:
    a. All food and containers left in the refrigerators should be labeled with the member’s name and be
        removed at the end of the weekend or holiday. Food remaining in refrigerators will be disposed of
         on Mondays or the day after a holiday.
    b. Persons using the kitchen are expected to clean up after themselves, including washing, drying,
        and putting away dishes and utensils. Clean counter space and tables after use.

4. The trash cans at the clubhouse are only for trash generated at the clubhouse. Empty the clubhouse trash
    cans when full. The full trash bags should be taken to the dumpster located near the caretakers house.
5. Crush and dispose of aluminum cans in the clubhouse in recycle containers.
6. No smoking is permitted in the clubhouse bathrooms or kitchen.
7. Persons using restrooms are expected to clean up after themselves and not leave personal belongings.


1. Campers will enclose trash and litter in bags before depositing in the trash dumpster located in the parking
2. Camping is permitted on Club grounds by tent and trailer only in specified areas, use of electrical sites is
    limited to members with boats stored on property.

3. Camp sites are available on a first come basis, except for two noted reserved spots (these are sold annually
    as a fundraiser to support youth sailing at the club).
4. Access to the campground may be limited by the BOG around or related to club events.
5. Camping is allowed for five (5) days maximum on PYC property. Longer stays only with approval of the
    BOG or Building and Grounds Director. After five (5) day stay, camping equipment must be removed from
    PYC property for 24 hours.
6. A total of twenty (20) days is the maximum allowed in a month for camping.
7. Camping equipment shall not be left unattended overnight, except in extenuating circumstances.


Dry Storage and Work Lot
1. Boat trailers shall be stored in specified areas
2. Dry sailors shall park their trailers and boats in assigned spaces.
3. Spaces are assigned by the Director of Buildings and Grounds
4. Members shall not leave batteries or other hazardous items in trash containers and on Club grounds. Take
    oil and other boat fluids home for storage or to your local recycling station for disposal.

5. The Club’s requirements for boat cleaning, refinishing, and restoration activities is as follows but may be modified from time to time as         necessary to comply with the Corps of Engineer’s requirements. The Club’s requirement is 100% containment and proper disposal of           hazardous waste.

      a.  Washing boat bottoms painted with any type of ablative bottom paint (soft, hard, modified) is prohibited on Club property. Boats                 with non-ablative paints such as VC-17, Speedcoat-49, etc. and boats with bare gelcoat or equivalent bottoms may be washed                        provided no paint is removed.

       b.  Best-practice for cleaning boat bottoms is to allow bottom growth to dry out during the off-season, then remove residue by                           brushing, scraping, or sanding. Effective vacuum dust collection must be used any time paint, fiberglass, or gelcoat is removed in                 the process.

       c.  Any refinishing or restoration process generating fugitive dust must include effective vacuum dust collection. Spray application is                  prohibited unless the work area is tarped and tented such that residue or overspray can be collected and disposed of properly.                   When applying with brush or roller, tarps shall be placed under the work area to catch any drips.

       d, All waste (e.g., collected dust or scrapings, empty paint cans, roller covers, soiled rags, tarps, etc.) is considered hazardous waste                  and shall be removed from Club property and disposed of properly.

6.  Gin Poles. Two gin poles are provided to facilitate stepping of masts and should not be used for other purposes. Gin poles may be                used by Club members, or by guests or Professional Services Providers after execution of a waiver (and payment of a fee if applicable).        The gin poles are functionally-tested by the Club annually with a load of 250 pounds, however the Club cannot certify the capacity of            the gin poles. Users of the gin poles assume all risks of use, and users are expected to confirm the weight of their lift, plus a                           conservative safety margin, is less than the tested capacity of the gin pole.  


Docks and Harbor:
1. The only persons permitted on the Club grounds or private docks are members in good standing and
    guests of such members when accompanied by such members.
2. The portion of the docks at the end of the piers may be used by all members of the Club as these portions
    belong to the Club.
3. Common courtesy shall be followed at all times by all persons on the private mooring slips.
4. All yachts moored in the water must be secured to the slip. by a method approved by the Harbor Master.
5. Any part of the yacht shall not protrude into an imaginary extension vertical of the width of all walkways.
6. Any additions or alterations including dock edging, cleats, storage lockers, painting, etc. must first and
    always be approved by the Harbor Master.
7. Any structural modifications to the slips – including new or rebuilt platforms or replacement structural
    materials – become the property of the Club and may be modified or removed at the discretion of the Club.
    This provision does not apply to additions such as dock boxes and boat hoists.
8. The canal area between docks shall be used strictly for leaving or returning to a slip.
9. The use of portable open flame cooking appliances on docks or mounted on boats is prohibited while boats
    are in slips. This restriction extends to any form of hibachis, charcoal, wood, or gas type portable cooking
    equipment, except in specifically authorized areas that are not on the docks, on boats in the berthing area,
    or near flammables. This prohibition does not extend to stoves permanently mounted in galleys.
10. No human waste, trash, or garbage shall be flushed or dumped into Branch Creek Harbor. Trash of any
     type shall not be left on the mooring piers.
11. An Equity Slip Rights member or Leased Slip Rights member in good standing may loan his or her slip for a
     short time to another member in good standing. The Dock Master or a member of the Board of Governors
     should be notified of such action.


1. The Club will accommodate requests for boat hoists if possible, but does not guarantee any member or
    prospective member the ability to install a boat hoist. The Club reserves the right to rescind approval and
    force removal of a boat hoist.
2. Any member wishing to install a boat hoist (boat lift) in their slip must first notify the Harbor Master of
    this desire. Upon notification, the Dock Master will identify a suitable slip, if applicable, and provide a list of
    names of the current five neighbors who occupy the slips surrounding the slip where the hoist is to be
3. The five neighbors will consist of the three members then occupying the slips immediately in front of the
     requesting member and the members occupying the slips on each side of the requesting member. The
     requesting member must obtain written approval for the addition of the hoist from all five immediate
     neighbors and submit that approval to the Dock Master, at which time the Harbor Master will grant
     approval for the addition of the hoist.
4. All yachts moored on lifting hoists must be secured to the lifting cradle or slip by a method approved by
    the Harbor Master. The Harbor Master has the authority to deny a request if the hoist is not suitable or
    appropriate for the boat or dock conditions, is determined to present a danger, or may cause damage to
    Club property.

5. The requesting member will be responsible for all costs associated with the installation and maintenance
    of the hoist, as well as any cost associated with damage caused to docks.


Winter Storage in Slip 

1. Deicing Equipment (bubblers and/or agitators)

     a. All deicing equipment must be connected to a properly function thermostat

     b. Air temperature thermostats must be set at an activation temperature no higher than 30 degrees Fahrenheit 

     c. Water temperature thermostats must be set at an activation temperature no higher than 33 degrees Fahrenheit


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