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Policy Statements define how the club is managed and governed as well as the rules and privileges associated with membership.  The Policy Statements are changed by a majority vote of the Board of Governors 

Perry Yacht Club

Policy Statements

Effective January 1, 2022

updated for member vote on dues December  2023


Section I Membership and Participation:

A. Definitions:

    1.  Member: a member is defined as an individual or couple and their minor children (under 21)

    2.  Boat partners/ co-owners are each considered as separate member

    3.  Cost for storage can be shared among boat partners/co-owners but paid by single payment

    4.  The membership year is January through December - the same as the fiscal year

B. Expectations and Requirements:

    1.  Commitment to sailing and community (defined as one or more of following)

    2.  Own a functional sailboat appropriate to the use/needs of the owner. (Boats in active repair/restoration will be                  considered as meeting this standard for a period of time as approved by the Board of Governors)

    3.  Have a sailing resume/history

    4.  Have taken or currently enrolled in sailing lessons/classes

    5.  Is a regular sailing guest or crew of a member

    6.  Interest in sailing (requires nomination by a member, if no other requirement is met)

    7.  Volunteer Hours: As a member-operated club, members are expected to support work days and/or the planning              and hosting of social events.

    8.  Financial Obligations:

        a. Members are obligated to pay dues and fees as defined in the Policy Statements for the current year

        b. Members with storage (dry or slip) will maintain a minimum of $100,000 liability insurance at all times that

             the boat and/or trailer is on property or in a slip. Members will provide proof of insurance and name the

             Club as “an additional insured.”

        c. Members who are not current with their financial obligations or those whose membership has lapsed may

            be charged late fees and/or may be liable for other costs as provided herein or as may be imposed at the

            discretion of the Board of Governors.

C. Privileges and Benefits:

     1. The number of memberships and available benefits will be limited by capacity of facilities as determined by the

          Board of Governors.

     2. Storage

         a. Season storage is from April 1 through October 31

         b. Winter storage is from November 1 through March 31

         c. Slip storage comes with a dry storage space

         d. Storage location will be determined by the Dock Master and/or Buildings and Grounds Chair as defined in

              these policies.

     3. Special Circumstance - selling a boat or relocation:

         a. Past Members in good standing who are selling a boat or relocating may request a storage-only option for

             one-year following their relocation or listing of the boat for sale.

         b. Boats must be removed from the property by the end of the storage period, or be subject to a lien or other

             action by the Club.

         c. Fees paid by a previous owner will be credited toward new owner’s costs if they join the Club

     4. Member Voice – members have the right to request the BOG address issues of concern either in the management

         of the club or the actions of fellow members.

          a. Issues related to operations or management of the club should be presented in writing to either the

              Commodore or Secretary for addition to the next BOG agenda.

          b. Issues related to actions of members should be presented in writing to the Memberships Chair or

              Commodore for review by the Membership Committee.

D. Application, Approval, and Termination of Members

     1. New Members

a. New member applications will be made on the approved form, and can be accepted at any time during the


b. New member applications will be sent to the Membership Chair for approval by the Membership Committee

c. Upon approval, the Membership Chair will forward payment to the Assistant Treasurer for processing

d. The Committee will provide specific cause to the Board of Governors for denial of membership to any


     2.. Renewals & Reinstatement

a. Renewal notices will be sent to members beginning January 1 with reminders sent each month through

     March 1.

b. Membership Committee will review and process renewals for changes in member information and

     benefit/privilege updates

c. The Assistant Treasurer will process all payments

d. Late and Lapsed Renewals

    i.  Renewals are officially late as of March1.  Payments received after the Spring meeting will incur a late charge            equal to 5% of the membership fee.

            ii. Renewals are officially lapsed as of May 1. The membership is no longer active, the lapsed member has

                30 days to re-apply for membership through the Membership Committee and if approved, pay all dues and                       fees including a reinstatement fee equal to 10% of the membership fee; or

           iii. remove boat/trailers and personal property from the club grounds. Failure to do so may result in any or

                 all remedies noted in the membership agreement.

    3. Termination

        a. A membership can be terminated for cause, including but not limited to:

            i. Failure to meet all financial obligations.

            ii. Willful damage to club property or that of another member or guest of the Club.

           iii. To assault or threaten violence against another member or guest of the Club.

           iv. Actions that present a safety issue to people or property

           v. Complaints of behavior deemed inappropriate and not addressed as reviewed by BOG

    4. Process for termination (other than financial)

        a. A request to terminate the membership of another member must be presented to the Membership

            Committee for review.

        b. The member will be notified and provided an opportunity to present information to the Membership

            Committee prior to a termination ruling.

        c. All requests for termination by the Membership Committee will be presented to the Board of Governors for a

            majority vote.

        d. If termination is approved, the member will have 30 days to remove property from the Club.

        e. Depending on the nature of the termination, a member may request reinstatement after a period determined

            by the Board of Governors.

    5. Failure to Respond to Termination Requirements

        a. After 30 days of termination (for any cause) if the past member has failed to pay balances due, and/or failed

        to remove property from the club, the BOG may exercise its rights under the membership agreement and

        take legal actions to (1)secure payments due - past and current (2) have property removed from the club

        (3) recover all cost incurred by the club resulting from the member failing to fulfil the requirements of the

        membership agreement.

E. Other Participation

    1. Crew: (other than a member)

        a. Individuals who crew/skipper on boats for the racing series

        b. Crew can only be on property with their host member during races, practice, or when working on the racing


    2. Family and Friends: (other than a member)

        a. Individuals who are visiting or sailing on member boats other than for racing.

        b. Family and Friends can only be on property with their host member.

    3. Students:

        a. The Board of Governors will determine a annual program fee for students (under the age of 25) who are

            participating in youth programs held at or supported by the Club.

        b. Students under the age of 18 must have a parent or assigned guardian on property while sailing.

        c. Students are not members and are considered “guest of the club.”

    3. Guests of the Club:

        a. The Board of Governors reserves the right to extend guest status to recruit members or meet other needs of

            the Club.

        b. Privileges offered guest will be determined by the Board of Governors or approved officer depending on

             each situation.

    4. Privileges of Crew, Family and Friends and Guests of the Club:

        a. Events: These participants can attend club functions if a guest fee is paid by the host member.

        b. Camping: These participants can stay in the camper or boat of the host member (if member is on property)

        or Camp on unimproved sites (as available).

    5. Limits:

        a. Family and friends who are at the club more than five times a season should purchase a Membership

        b. Members planning to have multiple guests (more than four adults) and are planning to use Club house,

            camping facilities, or attend a Club event should notify the Board of Governors for approval for a “group


    6. Non-Member Access to PYC Facilities

        a. PYC will make access to its facilities available to non-members to launch and retrieve boats when conditions

            on the lake limit ramp access at other public and private facilities

        b. General Rules

            i. Approval can be granted by the Commodore, Vice Commodore, or Property Manager

            ii. Fees will be set by the BOG and are due prior to use of facilities (these can be paid on site)

            iii. All non-member users will sign a PYC-provided waiver and attestation of liability insurance for any boat

                and/or trailer prior to use of the facilities

            iv. Access must be scheduled in advance and an authorized PYC representative must be present unless

                otherwise approved in advance

            v. Access for non-members is limited to Monday through Thursday. Access is restricted to the parking lot,

                ramp, and use of a gin pole. No other equipment or facility is to be used without the express permission

                of PYC representative on site. The only exception is use of restroom facility.

            vi. Boats or other personal property cannot be stored or left on PYC property unattended by the owner

                and/or professional service provider

        c. Access by professional service provider

            i. Professional service providers are defined as a business or individual who is launching or recovering a

                boat for a fee on behalf of a boat owner

            ii. The Professional service provider will be the authorized party to access the PYC facilities and is

                responsible for requesting access, scheduling the times, and any payment due to PYC

            iii. The service provider will sign a waiver prior to use of the authorized facilities and will see that the

                 owner of the boat also signs a waiver. Waivers will be provided by PYC when the authorized access is


            iv. Fees (set for 201

                  Individuals using their own equipment $100

                  Professional service provider or individual using gin pole $250


Section II Dues and Fees

A. Current Dues and Fees (for 2025 season)

    1. Membership: (approved by the Members)

        a. Annual Dues $650

        b. Dry storage season $250

        c. Slip storage season $49 p/f

        d. Equity storage season (90% of Slip) $44 p/f

        e. Dry storage - winter $125

        f. Slip storage - winter $300

        g. Capital Assessment $0

        h. (annual or special)

    2. Program & Guest Fees: (approved by the Board of Governors)

        a. Initiation $0

        b. Reinstatement $50

        c. Racing Fees $0

        d. Student Activity $TBD

        e. Boat Share $0

        f. Club Events for guests each $10

    3. Storage fees for non-members (delinquent former members)

        a. Dry storage, commencing 45 days after delinquency and after expiration of time for application for/denial

            of reinstatement

        b. Dry storage or trailer storage (per day) $25.00

        c. Slip storage (summer 4/1 to 10/31) $35.00 per day. No electrical, water, or other dock services provided.

        d. Slip storage (winter (11/1 to 3/31) $40.00 per day. No electrical, water, or other dock services provided.

        e. All charges shall carry interest at 1.5% interest, compounded monthly. In addition, any charges for

            insurance coverage, because of failure to provide insurance coverage, insuring the Club for damages to its

            property, or any liability, including any claim by owner shall be at the cost incurred to the club and shall

            bear interest at 1.5% compounded monthly.

        f. The Club shall have the right, at its option, to remove any boat and/or trailer for which the member is no

            longer a member and is delinquent in the obligations to remove the boat and/or trailer. The Club may do so

            itself or contract for the same. Costs for the Club to remedy the failure to remove the boat and/or trailer at

            the expiration of the membership or adequately secure said boat and/or trailer shall be in addition to the

            storage costs.

        g. If any legal action is required, the provisions of Section VIII (Legal Actions) shall apply.

        h.  For boats sold, but not removed from the property, the original member shall remain liable as provided for

            herein for these costs, fees, are requirements. For boats and/or trailers placed on the property without an

            accompanying membership, damages for trespass may be sought

B. Fees General

    1. Initiation or Reinstatement of Fees

        a. The Board of Governors may establish an initiation fee for new members

        b. The Board of Governors may establish a reinstatement fee for returning members

        c. The Board of Governors may waive such fees for special circumstances, such as membership drives.

    2. Racing Fee

        a. A race fee will be determined by the Rear Commodore and approved as part of the budget each year to

            support the Club Racing Series.

        b. Racing fees do not cover costs of, or participation in public/open Regattas hosted or sponsored by the Club.

    3. Program & Guest Fees

        a. Board of Governors will determine Student Activity Fee

        b. Board of Governors will determine Guests fee for club events.

        c. Boat Share: hold for future use

    4. Additional Boat Storage

        a. Members may have additional boats on property as space is available as determined by the Dock Master

            and/or Buildings and Grounds

        b. The Board of Governors will determine storage fees for additional boats, not to exceed cost for equivalent

             slip or dry storage fees currently approved by members.

       c. Additional boat storage in all other ways follows the same policies as primary boat storage

C. Due Dates and Delinquencies

    1. Dates

        a. Annual membership dues & fees are due January 1 of each year and are considered delinquent on March 1

            of each year.

        b. Dates for prorated dues for new member joining the club are as follows:

        c. July 1 75% of membership and season storage

        d. August 1 50% of membership and season storage

        e. September 1 25% of membership and season storage

    2. Termination or Resignation of Membership

        a. Dues are not prorated back to existing members if they leave the club during the season

        b. Members may appeal for special circumstance

    3. Delinquencies of Financial Obligations

        a. Late fees will be applied as approved by the Board of Governors on the first month of the delinquency.

        b. Privileges and benefits will be limited when any balance due exceeds 30 days, including but not limited to

            loss of access to electrical and water service on the docks, storage lots and camping in an approved site.

        c. Failure to maintain liability insurance in the amount specified may result in the purchase of a liability

            insurance policy by the Club and the cost charged to the member or lapsed member.

         d. Delinquencies of 60 days or more may result in legal action to recover payment or charges, including but

             not limited to, securing a lien on any member property at the Club.  Lapsed members may be subject to any                    action deemed appropriate by the Board of Governors to enforce Club Policy and the Membership Agreement.

        e. Equity Slip Owners delinquent balances will become a lien against the slip holder’s rights, including the

            ability to transfer ownership or rights until the balance due is paid.


Section III Docks and Club Infrastructure

The Club has invested millions of dollars in dock upgrades, and it is the Club’s policy to strictly apply and enforce the

Club Policy, Rules and Regulations, and Membership Agreement to ensure their aesthetic and structural integrity. To tha

end, the Rules and Regulations require Harbor Master approval of any additions or alterations including, but not limited

to, dock edging, cleats, storage lockers, painting, etc.


A. Dock Modification:

    1. It is the Club’s policy to discourage structural modifications to the docks to protect their integrity and comply

        with USACOE restrictions.

    2. Aesthetic modifications (e.g., dock lighting, dock steps) will be more liberally allowed provided the aesthetic

        modification does not require structural modification (e.g., no need to drill or anchor to the docks). However,

        the USCOE restricts the installation of electrical items, including decorative lighting. Any aesthetic modification

        must meet USACOE requirements.

B. Storage Lockers/Dock boxes:

    1. Shall be safely secured. Securing with C-clamps to the dock corner is the preferred method, as it does not

        require drilling or screwing into the dock.

    2. Shall be similar in design, material, and color. White is the preferred color.

    3. Shall be made of “marine grade” rust and corrosion proof material.

    4. Must fit within the 4-foot footprint of the dock corners without impinging upon the USACOE-mandated 3-foot

        clear walkway requirement.

    5. Shall not contain flammable liquids or chemicals.

    6. In the interest of safety, the Harbor Master shall have access to inspect on an as needed basis.

    7. That are compromised or visibly discolored may, at the discretion of the Harbor Master, be removed from the

        docks to the back storage lot until repairs are made and reinstallation is approved by the Harbor Master.

C. Dock Corners: the sole option to expand the size of dock corners is the purchase of a larger corner from the dock

    manufacturer and installation by a professional installer. The USACOE has approved this modification.

    1. Modifications performed without Harbor Master approval may be subject to any action deemed appropriate by

        the Board of Governors to enforce Club Policy, the Rules and Regulations, the Membership Agreement, and

        USACOE requirements.

D. Dock and Infrastructure Care:

    1. Members shall exercise all due care to prevent damage to the docks and shall immediately report any damage to

        dock structural components, electrical/plumbing systems, decking, or edging to the Harbor Master.

     2. Members shall be liable for damage to docks, electrical pedestals (located on the docks and/or in the

        campground), and any damage to other club infrastructure caused by the member and/or member’s boat,

        member’s family and/or guests, guest’s boat, camper, vehicle, etc. The Club has the right to seek restitution for

        repairs and/or pursue a claim on member’s insurance policy.


Section IV Slip Assignment

A. Equity Slip Holders

    1. All holder(s) of Equity Slip Rights must maintain Equity Slip Rights membership in the Club unless same is

        assigned to the Club.

    2. Holder(s) of Equity Slip Rights may assign such slip rights to the Club for a one-year period provided the

assignment is made in writing prior to February 1 of that season. While the holder(s) will not be responsible for

dues for that year, in recognition of the fact that assignment does not guarantee that the slip fees will be

assumed by another member, and also in recognition of the fact that these assigned slips are less desirable to

Leased Slip Rights Members, the holder(s) may be assessed a fee by the Board of Governors to cover

maintenance of that slip, the holder(s) share of property tax, Army Corps dues, building and grounds

maintenance, insurance, and other fees shared by the membership. While the Club will make the slip available to

any Leased Slip Rights members for the year, use of the slip by such members does not release the holder(s)

from their obligation to pay the assessment as described. The holder(s) on an assigned slip will retain Equity

Slip Rights for subsequent years. As with dues, these fees will be due by no later than February 1.

    3. The Club shall have first option to purchase Equity Slip Rights. If the holder(s) have a firm offer from a third

party, the Board of Governors will have 10 days to match said offer. Absent a third-party offer, the Board of

Governors may make a fair market price offer and specify terms. The holder(s) shall have 10 days to accept or

reject the offer.

    4. In the event a holder(s) of Equity Slip Rights becomes delinquent in dues and fees, the Board of Governors may

offer to purchase with terms the slip rights at a fair market price, less delinquent amounts. The holder(s) shall

have 10 days to accept or reject the offer.

    5. In the event a holder(s) of Equity Slip Rights becomes two years delinquent, the Board of Governors has the

subsequent right to claim the slip rights paying the holder any difference between the fair market value and the

delinquent amounts due to the Club. If at any time delinquent amounts equal or exceed the fair market value, the

slip rights become the property of the Club.

    6. Fair market values of Equity Slip Rights shall be reviewed annually by the Board of Governors taking into

consideration slip length, width, and water depth. A listing of fair market values shall be kept by the Treasurer

and made available to members upon request.

    7. The Board of Governors shall be notified in writing of any change in ownership of Equity Slip Rights. The

notification of transfer shall include the slip location, the current owner, the new owner with mailing address,

and selling price. The Treasurer will forward to the new owner all appropriate documents and applications for

membership to the Club.

B. Slip Assignment Guidelines

    1. A slip owner has the only right to his/her slip unless he/she notifies the Club that he/she wants to assign that

slip and has paid the assignment fee.

    2. Whenever possible, members are reassigned to the same slips assigned to them the previous season. A member

loses any claims to assignment priority if fees are not paid by March 30 each year. Equal claims of assignment

priority will be resolved on a first pay/first choice basis.

    3. Slips are assigned based on matching boat length with slip size and on a first-come first-serve basis, as

determined by the Dock Master.

    4. The Dock Master has the responsibility to reassign slips at any time if deemed necessary to accommodate Club


    5. The Dock Master will maintain the slip waiting list. When all slips are full, a waiting list will be established.

C. Dry Sail Storage Assignment

    1. Dry sail and trailer parking is assigned by the Director of Buildings and Grounds on a first pay first choice basis

    2. All empty trailers will be assigned to unimproved areas


Section V Board of Governors

A. Assignment of duties

    1.The Commodore in conjunction with the recommendations of the Nominating Committee will appoint

        Governors and or Officers to one or more committees, functions, or activities each year.

    2. Co-Directors that are not Board members may be appointed, and are considered ex-officio members of the

        Board of Governors.

    3. These are one-year appointments, but can be reappointed in subsequent and sequential years.

    4. All Board of Governors directors shall perform such other duties as may, from time to time, be prescribed by the

       Commodore or the Board of Governors.

B. Management Functions and Activities of the BOG

    1. Social Director

        a. shall make arrangements for the Winter Business Meeting, the Fall Annual Membership Meeting, and plan

            the November awards and installation of officers meeting

        b. shall plan or coordinate arrangements for social functions during the year

        c. track and report all expenses to the defined meeting/functions

       d. All such duties shall be performed as directed by the Commodore or the Board of Governors.

    2. Building & Grounds Director

        a. shall have charge of constructing, repairing, and maintaining all buildings, roads, and structures owned or

            maintained by the Club.

        b. will also have responsibility for all tools and machines that are the property of PYC.

        c. has control of all land areas of the Club, including but not limited to roads, parking, camping areas, and boat

             and trailer storage.

        d. shall ascertain that all permits, licenses, insurance, and regulations by the Corps of Engineers, county, and

            state are properly obtained and abided by

       e. All such duties shall be performed as directed by the Commodore or the Board of Governors.

    3. Harbor Master

        a. shall attend to the maintenance and repair of the breakwater, piers, buoys, launching areas, and waterways

            owned or maintained by the Club as directed by the Commodore or the Board of Governors.

    4. Dock Master

        a. shall assign slips based on Board of Governors-approved guidelines and maintain the slip waiting list. The

            Dock master shall keep records as to which slips rights are held by Equity Slip Rights members and which

            slip rights are Club owned and available for Leased Slip Rights members.

   5. Treasurer

        a. Work in conjunction with the external accounting firm approved by the Board of Governors and the

            Assistant Treasurer to ensure complete and accurate financial statements.

        b. Preparing or overseeing the external accounting firm’s preparation, to:

        c. Reimburse members for expenses on a timely basis (generally within two weeks of reimbursement


        d. Pay PYC bills on a timely basis as requested by vendor.

        e. Record deposits in check register.

        f.  Reconcile the bank statements.

        g. Prepare payroll for PYC employees.

        h. File and pay quarterly and annual payroll taxes (withholding and unemployment) with the State of Kansas

            and IRS.

        i Prepare monthly financial statements and present to the BOG at monthly meetings.

        j Prepare the proposed annual budget.

        k. Prepare and file the annual income tax return (Form 990).

        l. Communicate with members regarding questions related to reimbursements, budgets and financial


        m. Other tasks as requested by the Commodore or BOG.

    6. Assistant Treasurer

        a. Coordinate with the membership director and BOG to process annual dues, including receiving, recording in

            PYC database and depositing into the PYC checking account.

        b. Communicate with members regarding questions related to dues.

        c. Make other PYC checking account deposits from PYC activities, including, but not limited, to ice tickets,

             merchandise sales and regatta fees.

        d. shall perform duties as prescribed by the Treasurer.

    7. Communications Director

        a. shall be point of contact submissions or comments on the Perry Yacht Club website. (

            and all other approved social media outlets.

        b. will publish official notices of all meetings and events of the club

        c. publication of such other news and articles as approved by any flag officer.

    8. Yearbook Editor

        a. shall publish and distribute the yearbook or additions to the yearbook to the members of the Club annually

            as directed by the Board of Governors.

    9. Sail Education Director

        a. Shall lead events and/or coordinate with organizations to support and host sail education activities for

            adults and youth at the club.

C. Advisory Roles

    1. The Commodore may appoint non-Board of Governors members to these advisory roles to support the Board of

        Directors, subject to Board of Governors approval.

        a. Liaison of the Corps of Engineers. The Liaison to the Corps of Engineers shall act as Club spokesperson to

           the Corps of Engineers.

        b. Public Affairs Liaison. The Public Affairs Liaison shall stay abreast of laws and regulations affecting

            membership in the Club and the Club’s activities on the lake, and shall represent the Club at public meetings

            where the interests of the Club should be expressed.

        c. The Commodore may appoint advisory committees to support the work of the Board of Governors that do

            not conflict with the defined work of the BOG as define in the Bylaws and Policy Statements.


Section VI Standing Committees

A. Membership Committee

     1. Chaired by the Vice Commodore,

     2. Members to include Social and Communications Directors and at least two additional BOG members to be

         appointed by Commodore

    3. Vice Commodore may recruit up to three non-Board of Governors members to participate on the committee

    4. Charge of the Committee

        a. Recommend to approve or deny applications for new membership

        b. Mediate charges brought against any member/s for actions not consistent with club policies and rules,

            including but not limited to termination of membership

        c. Insure a focus on the membership experience as the club priority when the Board of Governors is making


        d. Support active recruitment of new members

B. Race Committee

1. This Committee shall consist of not less than three members. The Rear Commodore shall be Chair.

2. It shall make arrangements for all races conducted by the Club and appoint the judges and other officers of all

races held by or under the direction of the Club.

3. It shall certify to the judges of said races the names of all members who are disqualified from participation in

such races by reason of non-payment of annual dues or race fees. It shall decide in conformity with the racing

rules of the United States Sailing Association (US Sailing) all questions that may arise regarding any race

conducted by the Perry Yacht Club, and it shall keep a brief record of all cases and the decisions rendered.

4. It shall set all race course buoys and establish the courses for all races in accordance with handicap systems


5. The Committee is hereby given the authority to call hearings on any violation and to disqualify any contestant

found guilty of violation of any racing rule of an appointed Protest Committee be so vested.

6. The Rear Commodore (or designee), at his or her discretion, may postpone any race or order that it be


7. The Committee shall keep a correct record of all points won by each member in each race conducted by the Club,

which record shall be at all times open to inspection by members of the Club. These records shall be the basis for

the awarding of Club trophies.

8. A majority vote of the Race Committee shall be decisive of its action and such action shall be final.

9. It shall publish the Club Sailing Instructions based on rules of US Sailing in appropriate PYC publications

(newsletter, yearbook, website, etc).

10. The Rear Commodore and/or the Committee shall supervise and direct those in charge of all regattas. All Club

regattas shall have records kept of expenses and charges to members and nonmembers participating and the

count of each. This shall be done so that the Treasurer of the Club may report as required by the laws governing

a not-for-profit corporation.

11. The Committee shall performs such other duties that may from time to time be designated by the Commodore

or the Board of Governors.

C. Long-Range Planning Committee

1. The Long Range Planning Committee shall consist of the Commodore, Past Commodore, and Vice Commodore

and any other members appointed by the Commodore.

2. It shall poll the membership to ascertain their interests for near and long term projects, developments, and

courses of direction and develop a running plan out to five years to include priority and estimated financial



Section VII. Indemnification of Governors and Officers 

A. Each person who is or was a governor or officer of Perry Yacht Club or is or was serving at the request of Perry

Yacht Club as a director or officer of another corporation, including the heirs, executors, administrators, or estate of

such person, shall be indemnified by Perry Yacht Club as a right to the full extent permitted or authorized by the

laws of the State of Kansas, as now in effect and as hereafter amended, against any liability, judgment, fine, amount

paid in settlement, cost and expenses including attorneys’ fees incurred by such person in his or her capacity, or

arising out of his or her status as governor or officer of Perry Yacht Club or, if serving at the request of Perry Yacht

Club, as a director or officer of any other corporation. The indemnification provided by the bylaw provision shall not

be exclusive of any other rights to which he or she may be entitled under any other bylaw or agreement, vote of

members or disinterested governors, or otherwise, and shall not limit in any way any right that Perry Yacht Club

may have to make different or further indemnification with respect to the same or different persons or classes of


B. No person shall be liable to Perry Yacht Club for any loss, damage, liability, or expense suffered by it on account of

any action taken or omitted to be taken by such person as a governor or officer of Perry Yacht Club or of any other

corporation which he or she serves as a director or officer at the request of Perry Yacht Club, if he or she exercised

the same degree of care and skill as a prudent person would have exercised under the circumstances in the conduct

of his or her own affairs, or if he or she took or omitted to take such action in reliance upon the advise of counsel for

Perry Yacht Club or for such other corporation, or upon statements made or information furnished by governors,

officers, employees, or agents of Perry Yacht Club or of such other corporation, that he or she had no reasonable

grounds to disbelieve.


Section VIII Legal Actions

A. If Perry Yacht Club employs an attorney to enforce its rights under the provisions of the Membership Agreement,

Policies or Bylaws of Perry Yacht Club, and is the prevailing party in any litigation or arbitration, the member

(current or past) will pay the Club’s reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred in connection with enforcing the

provisions. This includes litigation, and without limitation, the costs of debt collectors, securing liens, expert

witnesses, investigation expenses and all other reasonable costs incurred.


Section IX. Amendments to Policy by Board of Governors 

A. The Policies of the Perry Yacht Club Board of Governors may be changed or amended by the Board of Governors at

any regular Board of Governors meeting.

B. All Policies that are passed at Board of Governors meetings shall be signed by the Commodore and the Secretary to

indicate they are the official copies.

C. Policies of the Perry Yacht Club shall be published on the Perry Yacht club website.

D. Amendments to the Policies take effect upon approval by the Board of Governors, unless otherwise specified.


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