ASA Certification via Paramour Sailing!
Paul Barnett, Your Sailing Instructor
Paul has taught students from Kansas City, Overland Park, Topeka, Lawrence, Wichita, Kansas & More of all ages from 8 to 88. He is proud to have overseen the certification of hundreds of students as American Sailing Association Keel Boat Sailors, preparing them to take on coastal and offshore challenges. Many of his students have also advanced to their ASA Bareboat Certification, which allows them to captain sailboats all around the world. If you need sailing lessons in Topeka, Lawrence, or near you in the Midwest, we are here to help!

2025 Perry Yacht Club & Paramour Sailing, LLC Adult Sailing Courses
Zero to Hero Sailing Day Camp for Adults:
This four day camp is designed to fast track a beginner sailor from Introduction to Sailing through ASA 101 Certification. The final skills test is the Crew Overboard Procedure where recovery of a sailor in the water makes the skipper a hero. Normally, the Intro to Sailing Class and the ASA 101 Certification Class are a total of three days, the additional day builds confidence through fun skill building activities. Zero to Hero is offered during weekdays. The cost of $985 per student (PYC Members $960) includes four days of instruction, all ASA 101 materials and registrations, and full use of the Perry Yacht Club campground and facilities.
Intro to Sailing - One-Day Class for Beginners at PYC offered Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays: The purpose of this class is to introduce beginning and inexperienced sailors to the basics of sailing on a mid-sized boat. Safety and fun are emphasized. This course will be taught on a Catalina 22. Students will benefit from a small class size of up to 4 people. This course is an ideal prerequisite to American Sailing Association Keelboat 1 Certification ASA 101. The cost is $250 per student for 6-7 hours of both classroom and on the water instruction. Skills, terms, and safety procedures are introduced in the outdoor classroom and later applied on board in real wind and water conditions.
ASA 101 Certification - Two-Day American Sailing ‘s Keelboat One Class - at PYC:
In this ASA 101 Certification course you will practice basic sailing skills, safety, weather, and learn advanced sailing techniques and nautical skills. The fee of $575 ($550 for PYC members) includes two days of instruction, ASA textbook, ASA Logbook, certification testing, ASA Registration, and a 90 day ASA membership. Prior sailing experience is a prerequisite. All new sailors can prepare for this class by taking the One-Day Sailing Class for Beginners and/or private lessons. ASA Certifications open the world of cruising and chartering in locations around the world.
Intro to Cruising - New in 2024! Prerequisite: ASA 101- Intro to Cruising will present advanced skills. You will be introduced to navigation, sail inventory management, trimming for speed, and planning and preparation for extended voyages on a charter or your own cruising sailboat. This is a one-day class aboard our 32-foot flagship Time Out, which is a Hunter 326. The cost is $270 per student ($250 for PYC Members). You will be on board all day. Class will begin below deck as we prepare for our journey around the lake. You’ll bring your lunch which we will eat at anchor. (This is NOT a certification class.)
ASA 102 Keelboat 2 Certification- Next Level Sailing. New in 2025! In Keelboat 2, you’ll refine what you learned in Keelboat 1 (101) advancing your knowledge and skills in sail trim, and boat handling to sail with confidence, more efficiently, and more safely. You will learn how sail controls affect sail shape and how sail shape balances power for any given wind condition and sea state. The introductory fee is $520) for this 2 day class including certification testing. ASA 101 is a prerequisite. We recommend the ASA 102 On Line Preparation Course to bring you up to speed. Barry White is your ASA 102 Certified Instructor.
Private Lessons: If you are unable to attend a scheduled class or prefer a more personalized experience, private lessons are a great option to accommodate your schedule and sailing needs. Private lessons are taught on our Catalina 22 or your boat. The cost for private lessons is $125 an hour with a three hour minimum for up to four students of your choosing. Private lessons are great for: Checking ‘Learn to Sail’ off the bucket list, treating yourself and or your family to a fun day on the water, working on specific sailing skills, orienting yourself to your new boat, a special celebration, or extra practice for ASA Certification. Flexible scheduling is available to get you out on the water at a time that works for you!
Contact Us: Paul at (913) 235-4104 or or visit Reservations for all sailing lesson adventures require non-refundable receipt of full payment.
2025 Perry Yacht Club & Paramour Sailing, LLC Adult Sailing Course Schedule
Zero to Hero Sailing Day Camp for Adults
Mon MAY 12- Thur May 15 Mon Aug 11- Thur Aug 14
Mon JUNE 23- Thur June 26 Mon Aug 25 - Thur Aug 28
Mon JULY 7- Thur July 8 NEW- End of week option- Thurs Sept 11 to Sun Sept 14
Mon JULY 28- Thur July31
One-Day Intro to Sailing Class Offered Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays
MAY Sat May 3 JULY Sat July 26
Sat May 17 Sun July 27
Sun May 18 AUG Fri Aug 8
Sat May 31 Sun Aug 10
JUNE Sun June 1 Sat Aug 23
Fri June 20 SEPT Fri Sept 5
Sun June 29 Fri Sept 19
Two-Day American Sailing Certified (ASA 101) Keelboat 1 Certification Course
APRIL Sat Apr 26 - Sun April 27 AUG Sat Aug 2 - Sun Aug 3
MAY Fri May 9 - Sat May 10 Sat Aug 16 - Sun Aug 17
JUNE Fri June 13 - Sat June 14 SEPT Sat Sept 6 - Sun Sept 7
Sat June 21 - Sun June 22 Sat Sept 20 - Sun Sept 21
JULY Sat July 12 - Sun July 13 Fri Sept 26 - Sat Sept 27
Sat July 19 - Sun July 20 OCT Sat Oct 4 - Sun Oct 5
Two-Day American Sailing Certified (ASA 102) Keelboat 2 Certification Course New in 2025
APRIL Sat Apr 5 - Sun Apr 6 JULY Sat July 26 - Sun July 27
MAY Sat May 3 - Sun May 4 AUG Sat August 9 - Sun Aug 10
Intro to Cruising New in 2024
JUNE Sat June 28 AUG Sat Aug 9
JULY Fri July 18 SEPT Sun Sept 28
Private Lessons: Private lessons can be scheduled with flexibility on weekdays, evenings, and holiday weekends. Call, text, or e-mail and we’ll find a time that works for your schedule.
FYI: Paramour Sailing provides Secure Payment through PayPal. Class instructions are emailed the week prior to your class.